Spændende foredrag af Alf Dunbar som i 90`erne udviklede konceptet You Are The Difference. 

Med humor vil Alf inspirere og videregive redskaber til hvordan du gør en forskel og hvad forandring kan betyde.

Foredraget er på engelsk, Alf forstår og taler fint dansk men foredraget er på engelsk.

Alf Dunbar
In the mid 1990s, Alf was the franchisee of a retail business struggling to survive.

Faced with ever mounting debt and the real prospect of the loosing the business he set out to develop a new way forward in terms of customer service and management to turn the business around.

The result was the creation of his unique customer service coaching programme You Are The Difference, now successfully used by a wide range of organisations and businesses throughout the UK and in 40 countries around the world in over 30 languages.

Alf is a practitioner not a theorist, his coaching methods are based on the real world with real people. His unique and enthusiastic communication skills inspire people, and this in turn enhances their individual performance.

He seeks to raise people’s level of self-belief and confidence.
With over 10 years practical retail experience and 20 years as a top performance coach he has coached thousands of people from a wide variety of retailing and business backgrounds helping them to achieve exceptional results.

Today he conducts more than 100 coaching sessions, seminars and events a year for a large variety of companies in the UK, Ireland, Europe, Canada, Middle East and USA.


Alle deltager får signeret Alf Dunbars bog.

17:45 – Registrering 

18:00 – Velkomst ved formand

18:05 – Middag og netværk

19:00 – Foredrag - Alf Dunbar, udlevering af signeret bog.

20:30 – 3 Elevator taler og status fra grupperne

21:30 – Tak for i aften

Vil tager naturligvis udgang i Sundhedsstyrelsen restriktioner - Covid 19.

Derfor er der pt max  med 50 deltager, vil naturligvis rette til hvis der kommer nye restriktioner.